Internet Postcards (2021 Maddy Varner Award Winner)
Constance Ye (2021)Internet Postcards by Constance Ye :: Supported by FRFAF (#2019-49) from STUDIO for Creative Inquiry on Vimeo.
Internet Postcards is a chrome extension that allows you to generate physical, mailable postcards from your internet adventures.
“We live on the internet, so why not share your travels?” – Lumar
More specifically, this chrome extension takes a screenshot of the webpage that you are currently browsing, and opens an overlay in which you can postcard-ify the postcard with some decorative text, leave a message on the back and send the postcard result to a real physical address using an online direct mailing service.
Ye writes, “This project was inspired by my nostalgia for the physical artifacts that result from traveling. Although I love sending postcards home to my mom, I rarely travel away from the university campus and my room. This project is my solution to that predicament. If the only places that I visit are online, then why not send postcards from those locations instead?
Made possible with support from microgrant#2019-049 from the Frank-Ratchye Fund for Art @ the Frontier. Additional images can be found here.
Constance Ye’s Internet Postcards was also awarded the Maddy Varner Mastication Grant for Time (and/or) Teeth-Based Works.
More information about the Maddy Varner Mastication Grant can be found here.