Margaret Kelso
Former Fellows
Margaret Kelso is a playwright, freelance writer, and teacher currently working as a professor of dramatic writing at Humboldt State University in CA. Kelso has had productions or readings of her plays performed around the nation including New York, Pittsburgh, Charlotte N.C. She has won the John Ford Noonan, the E. Roger Boyle, and the Marjorie Blackenship Melton awards for her playwriting. She also has directed, assistant directed, and served as a dramaturg on a variety of other productions. Kelso has freelanced for technical, special interest, and general audience publications including The PIttsburgh Press, The Scientist, The Charlotte Observer, and Carnegie Mellon Magazine. She has served as editor for the Medical Features syndicate, written and photographed for United Press International (UPI), and written for a wide ranged of public relations and business clients.
Kelso earned her MFA in Playwriting from Carnegie Mellon University, her MA in English from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and her BA in English from Queens College in Charlotte, NC.