Where Are We Going?
Angela Washko and Students (2019)“Where Are We Going?” is a class exhibition of interactive stories, video essays, manifestos, books, and more from students in the School of Art course, Digital Storytelling & Resistance. The event featured students doing live demonstrations of their interactive projects and a screening program of animation, video and performance works made throughout the course, as well as the premiere of a printed manifesto. The exhibition and book release was held at the STUDIO on December 11, 2019, and was supported by Microgrant #2020-027 from the Frank-Ratchye Fund for Art @ the Frontier.
Digital Storytelling & Resistance is an advanced course in the School of Art taught by Prof. Angela Washko with graduate assistant Lena Chen. During this course, students explored the varied ways artists use contemporary technology to create complex alternative stories to dominant media narratives, as well as the ways in which video, film, performance, and media artists have historically used hybrid documentary storytelling practices and appropriation as a way to resist, respond to, and deconstruct one-dimensional news media and pop cultural stories. Throughout the semester students additionally researched the experimental distribution strategies of storytellers in the age of ubiquitous computing.