Sneeze Love
Malika Khurana (2021)Sneeze Love by Malika Khurana :: Supported by FRFAF (#2021-010) from STUDIO for Creative Inquiry on Vimeo.
Sneeze Love is a networked device that allows you to send and receive sneezes with the people you care about. The device was inspired by superstitions in many cultures that attribute social meaning to mundane bodily functions (hiccups in India, “burning” ears in Ireland, eye twitches in Trinidad). In China, when you sneeze, it means someone out there is thinking of you.
Sneeze Love was conceived and created by Malika Khurana, a Masters of Science in Computational Design student attending the CMU School of Architecture. The project was developed with the support of Microgrant #2021-031 from the Frank-Ratchye Fund for Art @ the Frontier. High resolution images of the project are available in this archive.