Rnav or Moon Rabbit
Inbar Hagai (2023)
Moon Rabbit (Diorama), Variation 2 consists of two connected elements: a vertical video and a kinetic sonic sculpture. The work juxtaposes two seemingly disparate scientific missions: a NASA-CMU lunar micro-rover searching for water on the Moon and the artist’s own absurd experiment to restore her pet rabbit’s libido after having him neutered. Through this pairing, the work reflects on tech-solutionism—the belief that complex social and ecological crises can be resolved through technology. The sculpture, a DIY shake table activated by the video’s low-frequency soundscape, disrupts the projected image while gradually degrading the projector itself, embedding failure into the installation’s structure. Engaging with ideas of productive failure, cinematic illusion, and the diorama as a museological form, the piece reflects on the precarity of technological ambition and the impermanence of the moving image.
To watch the sculpture being activated, click here
This project was made possible by the Frank-Ratchye Further Fund Grant #2023-025.