Joyce Hwang

Steiner Invitation Series Speaker


Joyce Hwang is Associate Professor, Associate Chair, and Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in the Department of Architecture at the University of Buffalo. Hwang has been recognized as one of the leading practitioners in considering the role of animals in architectural design and discourse; through her teaching, research and critical practice as director of Ants of the Prairie, she confronts contemporary ecological conditions through creative means. Currently Hwang is developing a series of projects that incorporate wildlife habitats into constructed environments. Recent projects include “Bat Tower,” “Bat Cloud,” “Habitat Wall,” and “Bower.” She is a recipient of the Architectural League Emerging Voices Award (2014), the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Fellowship (2013), the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) Independent Project Grant (2013, 2008), and the MacDowell Colony Fellowship (2016, 2011). In the CMU School of Architecture, Hwang spoke to students in the First-Year Studio of Professor Sarah Rafson, who are designing habitats for different species of animals.