Dorothy R. Santos
Steiner Visiting Artist 2022-2023
Director Invited Visitors
Dorothy R. Santos // Steiner Lecture in Creative Inquiry, 03/02/2023 from STUDIO for Creative Inquiry on Vimeo.
Dorothy R. Santos (she/they) is a Filipino American storyteller, poet, artist, and scholar whose academic and research interests include feminist media histories, critical medical anthropology, computational media, technology, race, and ethics. Join us in the STUDIO for a lecture on her current work, The Cyborg’s Prosody. The Cyborg’s Prosody is an interactive app, creative intervention, and response to the establishment of “accent reduction schools” in the Philippines, which has the highest number of call centers and virtual agents in the world. The project features a mobile app that has users speak Tagalog and serves as an “accent induction school” — providing a decolonial method of exploring how language is learned, human-computer interaction, listening, and accent preservation.
Learn more about Dorothy’s Spring 2023 visit here!
Read the essay about Dorothy’s practice by Pittsburgh-based writer Dani Lamorte here!