YouTube Ephemera Night: Snowfall DESTROYS Three Cars

Monday, February 29
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
CFA 111, Carnegie Mellon University
Free and open to the public

Snowfall DESTROYS Three Cars is an ongoing curatorial project focusing on Youtube and other online repositories of human information. Like the internet at large, these screenshots, videos, webcams, texts, and websites are often aggressively hilarious, sometimes sad, and frequently both. Snowfall is, fundamentally, aggressive moments of peak human detritus gathered most lovingly.

Please join us on February 29th for a screening of collected Youtube ephemera, followed by a brief conversation with the curators, Katie Rose Pipkin and Zoe Sparks.

Katie Rose Pipkin 
makes drawings on paper, in language, and collaboratively with machines. Here is a series of symbols that looks like a field of flowers. ↾⌠❦ᵳ≀〴❧❀१✾឴〳ノ〳❊⎝.

Zoe Sparks is a faraway music and language artist whose output includes poems, songs, stories, and art music. Zoe Sparks is a small whale in a big sea.