Contestational Cartographies Symposium
August 28, 2009–December 6, 2009
Maps represent, maps reveal, maps entice, maps distort. They selectively omit, they unwittingly exaggerate, and they even make outright lies. Though maps strive to project authority and objectivity, they cannot help but embed the biases, blind-spots and idiosyncrasies of their human authors. As our lives are played out in increasingly networked realms, we have become carto-literate as never before; we read maps produced by governments and corporate interests, yes, but also collaboratively author maps online, inscribing new representations of ourselves and our priorities. Contestational Cartographies Symposium introduces the thoughts of leading “experimental geographers” who employ mapping techniques in new modes of critical practice and cultural research and, in so doing, help us “read between the lines” of the world around us.
The Symposium includes Pablo R. Garcia, Lize Mogel, Trevor Paglen, and Richard Pell.
Contestational Cartographies is co-organized by the Miller Gallery and the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University. Produced with support from the CMU School of Art Lecture Series, the Vice Provost for Education, Dorkbot Pittsburgh + the Brillobox.