VIA Festival Presents: A Circuit Bending Workshop with Michael Johnsen

October 1, 2010 1:00 PM–3:00 PM


Join Pittsburgh’s own circuit-bending master Michael Johnsen for a workshop on how to
Have Your Way With Mics and Speakers!

Michael Johnsen is best known for his arsenal of small analog electronic devices which are usually hidden under a maze of patch cables. All of this extensive patching creates some rather idiosyncratic and transient sounds during live performance – but Michael embraces complex interactions and sometimes failing modes, embracing the dirt in pure electronics. As an antidote to all that wire, he is equally devoted to the singing (bowed) saw, a simple folk instrument.

Michael’s workshop is presented in collaboration with Pittsburgh’s VIA Music & New Media Festival
October 1-3, 2010 /

This event is free and open to the public.

VIA Pittsburgh 2010: Michael Johnsen (1 of 2) from STUDIO for Creative Inquiry on Vimeo.

VIA Pittsburgh 2010: Michael Johnsen (2 of 2) from STUDIO for Creative Inquiry on Vimeo.