The Wick Editor
Zach Rispoli and Luca Damasco (2016)Inspired by HyperCard, and Scratch, the Wick Editor, is a hybrid animation tool and coding environment that provides a free and open source tool for creating games, animations, and everything in between. It has been in development since 2016 with support, suggestions, and improvements provided by its user communities.
Zach Rispoli and Luca Damasco (former STUDIO Punks) started the original project in an art/code class of Golan Levin (Prof of Art CMU and Former STUDIO Director) with support of a Frank-Ratchye Fund for Art @ the Frontier Microgrant #2017-02. With the incentive of recreating the little flash games they played as children, Zach and Luca collaborated and further developed the project into an open-source tool that inspired children 8 to 12 years old to learn about new media through doing, while also accumulating larger user bases.
Good Eggs: An example of a community project made by Wick Editor.
The traditional onion skin drawing interface expands with access to a comprehensive library of user-generated content. Making with the Wick Editor is digital media community in-action. Beginning with 3,000 users, it grew exponentially to became one of the most popular tools a wide range of users
Check out the free animation tutorials on their website!
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