Artur Matuck
Former Fellows
Artur Matuck has been an assistant professor at the School of Communications and Arts at the University of Sao Paolo since 1984. In Sao Paolo (Brazil), Europe and North America, he has worked as teacher, researcher, writer, visual artist, video producer, performer and more recently as a designer of teleart events and interactive sites.
Since 1977 Matuck contributed to conferences and workshops on New Media Arts, Interactive Television, Telecommunication Arts, Performance Art, Computer-Generated Writing, and Intellectual Property issues. In 1990, he was awarded a prize in the video-art category from the São Paulo Art Critics Association. In the same year, he completed a comprehensive study on the history of video art and interactive television, which resulted in the doctoral thesis: “The Dialogical Potential of Television.” As a STUDIO fellow in 1991, he produced Reflux, a global Telecommunication Arts project that was one of the very first artistic experiments to involve collaborative networking activities. In 1995, as post-graduate fellow at the University of Florida, he started to experiment with text-reprocessing. “Landscript” is a web-based tool that co-authored textual creation. In 2002 this piece was included in the 25th Sao Paolo Biennial (in the net art category). Artur Matuck is also the creator of “Semion”– an international symbol for released information, a theoretical and concept al contribution to the ongoing debates on intellectual property rights and information dissemination. His most recent endeavors include the planning of video communication and web-based multicultural, international exchanges between artists, researchers and individuals.